QTA and DRC Course overview

QTA and DRC Course overview

Educate Your Team, Knowledge is Confidence

Specializing in Radiation & Occupational Safety Training, the Qal-Tek Training Team offers education and training to a complete range of radiological and occupational safety topics.

Our faculty are recognized subject matter experts who are training professionals with expertise in radiation safety, occupational safety, industrial hygiene, transportation, instrumentation, and emergency preparedness and response. When they are not teaching in the classroom, our trainers are working on high-level projects with government and commercial clients.

Education is not an expense, it is an investment.

We are well known in the industry for offering high quality training from a faculty of experts. You will be trained by the best of the best.

Our Certified Health Physicists (CHPs) provide specialized experience in training and education on radiation protection, health and safety, and handling radioactive and hazardous materials; as well as advanced skills in classroom, on-the-job, and computer based training, complete with real world expertise that ensures the relevance of the materials presented.

We use practical hands-on exercises, often with live radioactive sources. Our trainings are state of the art, and we offer free refresher training on many courses.



Safety & Security