Portable Density Gauge User Training | Webinar

Portable Density Gauge User Training | Webinar

Introduction to portable gauge radiation fundamentals, including radiation theory, sources of radiation, dose limits, ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable), emergency response, workers’ rights, maintenance, gauge and source construction, overview of regulations, DOT Hazmat Shipping.






Course Regulations & Guidance Reference

10CFR 19 and 20, NUREG 1556 vol 1, 49CFR. On request, the course can be tailored specifically tailored to include Agreement State regulations

Required Items

Professional Expectation

Having attended the class and demonstrated an understanding of the course study, a participant will be awarded a certificate of completion and accomplishment as a trained radioactive portable gauge operator; to include verbiage that the participant is familiar with proper gauge operation and broad safety requirements. Additional company job-specific training (OJT) is recommended.

Authorized User Refresher course is recommended every 3 years.

DOT Refresher courses for ground shipping are required every 3 years.

Students will receive a certificate as a trained gauge authorized user and in DOT hazmat shipping.